Category: News

Flunk on Soundcloud

[soundcloud url=””]

We have uploaded some tracks on Soundcloud – including several unreleased remixes, versions and live studio recordings.
Some of them are available for free downloads. Enjoy!

Meanwhile: We’re still out here. The sweetness you see above are the two main reasons why our body of work have been on the lighter side this last year or so. Both Anja and Jo became parents in the space of days last winter. Anja got Erik (pictured right, and no – he’s not named after Erik – our drummer), Jo (well, his wife) got Johanna.

We’ll be back next year, wiser than ever.
Check in at our Soundcloud page for goodies. There will be more free fun to grab.

Categories: mp3 News Pictures

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Will U stay?

The good news is you will hear new Flunk music next year.
This year is baby boom year – both Jo and Anja had babies (one each) in February, which explains why there hasn’t been much buzz lately.

Meanwhile, here’s another remix. It’s by JR & Nesio – a take on ‘If We Kiss’. Enjoy!

Categories: mp3 News Remix

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Under the radar

Snapshots from Cigarette Burns video

We are working on a video for ‘Cigarette Burns’ – shot by Erik Hannemann (he is the one behind the ‘Blue Monday’, ‘Six Seven Times’ and ‘Kebab Shop’ videos as well).
Pictures from the soon to be finished video above – shot in black and white in our rehearsal studio.
It will be nice.

And you can now find us on Twitter – user name Flunk. Click here.

Found this on the web – a sweet piece from a blog called Hecklerspray. Read it here.

New album, new live set


Finally, on Monday our new album is out. We really hope you will like it.
More on ‘This Is What You Get’ here.

Meanwhile, we are practising. And practising.
Erik, the drummer, is going to be a father any day now, so we will have to do without him on the shows next week (Parkteatret, Oslo Monday and Tromsø on Friday).
The photos are from Jo’s, where we have been doing the pre-production. We will do a much more basic sound, more stripped, Anja joins in on guitar, Ulf has a new sampler etc. Should be a nice treat – if we can deliver the goods!

Flunkschool on Thursdays

Flunkschool flyer 2007

I will be playing music at Pavilion in Oslo one Thursday every month. The downbeat/leftfield/crackleblues ‘club’ will be called Flunkschool, and will take place one Thursday every month. Should be good fun, not Donna Summer and Lipp’s Inc. – but good music. Probably some new Flunk tracks every now and then, too.

The remix album ‘Democracy’ still has November 12 as official digital release. It will be out on CD as well, it turns out. Stay posted for release date.

Categories: Live News

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Hello Bydgoszcz

Sorry about the silence, we’re still here.
Or rather, right now we are in Bydgoszcz in Poland to play at the Low-fi Festival. We play tonight at 9 pm. Should be good fun – it’s been while since we’ve been touring. And we’re excited about playing some of the ‘Personal Stereo’ songs for the first time.

Setlist tonight will be:
Personal Stereo
If We Kiss
Morning Star
Miss World
Sit Down
See You
Diet of Water and Love
Six Seven Times
See Thru You
Blind My Mind
Blue Monday
True Faith

We’re playing at the Hala Astoria, details here if you should be interested.

Of other news: The remix album is officially out on November 12.
But you can download the lot on our website.

We’re working on some new tracks as well, going in a quite different direction than before. But it’s hard so say where they’ll end up and when they wil be out.

Categories: Live News

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