Tag: oslo

New album, new live set


Finally, on Monday our new album is out. We really hope you will like it.
More on ‘This Is What You Get’ here.

Meanwhile, we are practising. And practising.
Erik, the drummer, is going to be a father any day now, so we will have to do without him on the shows next week (Parkteatret, Oslo Monday and Tromsø on Friday).
The photos are from Jo’s, where we have been doing the pre-production. We will do a much more basic sound, more stripped, Anja joins in on guitar, Ulf has a new sampler etc. Should be a nice treat – if we can deliver the goods!

Christmas wrapping

Pavilion flyer
We play Pavilion in Oslo tonight, our only full gig in our home town this year.
If all goes well, we’ll post a vid of Anja singing ‘Silent Night’. Honestly.

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December will be magic again

The above is a picture from Marrakech, Marocco on Sunday night. Just back from holiday there. Reminds me slightly about the ‘For Sleepyheads Only’ album sleeve photo…

Below, the new flyer for the Flunkschool club night. The November edition was cancelled due to common cold, I’ll try again on December 6 at the Pavilion cafĂ© in Oslo.

And remember we do a full Flunk gig at the same venue on Friday December 14.
Also, the remix album ‘Democracy’ is out now on iTunes and other digital services. It will also be out on old fashioned compact disc, if you prefer the material world! It’s good value in any case, 16 tracks, 16 different mixes.

And – oh – do remember to buy the new Burial album. Probably the best album this decade – still!

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Flunkschool on Thursdays

Flunkschool flyer 2007

I will be playing music at Pavilion in Oslo one Thursday every month. The downbeat/leftfield/crackleblues ‘club’ will be called Flunkschool, and will take place one Thursday every month. Should be good fun, not Donna Summer and Lipp’s Inc. – but good music. Probably some new Flunk tracks every now and then, too.

The remix album ‘Democracy’ still has November 12 as official digital release. It will be out on CD as well, it turns out. Stay posted for release date.

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Here comes summer!

View from the balcony

The situation is like this: It’s close to midnight, and it’s actually pleasant to sit on the balcony in shorts. Summer has come to Norway, the real thing, with 25 degrees plus, even close to 20 during the night. And we’ve been waiting for this for seven or eight months. Sometimes I can’t believe we’re putting ourselves through all that darkness and cold. But by doing so, we can experience this eruption. I guess.

Anja will be doing her exams next week, then she’s free. And also a doctor if all goes well.
Jo is still taking care of the business of wondering what to do, I guess. And I’m doing my bit of 9-5, but I’m also back in the studio working on some new tracks. A bit of everything, really, but I have this little feeling we’re going to do a new album pretty soon. An under-produced kind of thing. I’m not saying it’s going to happen, but I have this feeling…

And it might be we’ll do a handful of covers. There are some songs I’d love to do – I’m Going Down by Springsteen, maybe a Jesus and Mary Chain (they’re playing in Oslo in August) song (maybe Cherry Came Too), we have a version of New Order‘s Dream Attack which sounds at least half as good as the original… And maybe something Radiohead‘s done – maybe Karma Police. There are also some outtakes from Personal Stereo which really aren’t quite what we usually do, but still killer tracks by any standards.

Daily treats right now: The Funeral by Band of Horses, I’m Going Down by Bruce, the Dntel album.
The general feeling is that I agree with Jarvis Cocker that pop is dead (The Guardian), but I’m not sure if I’m bothered – since there is so much great music from this and past decades. Check out SugarcubesLife’s Too Good (sounds more fresh than ten years ago, anyway!), Joy Division‘s Unknown Pleasures, Byrne/Eno‘s My Life In the Bush of Ghosts (hard to believe it was released back in 1981), New Order‘s Movement and Power Corruption & Lies (still think it’s the best of the best, (I just heard Peter Hook is coming to Oslo in the autumn to DJ, just down the road) – also I’ve had almost daily rounds of Nirvana‘s In Utero, which suddenly seems much more polished (in the good way) than before, suddenly it’s like pop music. And it feels good…

Oh, well. Charts are dead, maybe, but pop… not!

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Practice, eh?

Just a quick note between rehearsals for the upcoming US tour (and to show you very rare pictures of Flunk actually rehearsing!). We’re doing Seattle in just over a week, and really looking forward to it. We’ll do all the Flunk favourites, there’s a rather fresh new band version of Your Koolest Smile and Play, hopefully there will be one or two brand new tracks, but the song we’re most excited about right now, I guess, is a cover of Depeche Modes See You.

The studio sessions are moving slowly, but it feels like a great album. Lots of tracks, too many, but we’ll sort it all out!

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