For Sleepyheads Only
«Snooze-funk lovingly created by Ulf and guitarist Jo Bakke»
Norwegian outfit Flunk are no fluke - and though we admit that we're prone to bouts
of exaggeration once in a while, «Sleepyheads» is totally deserving of all hyperbole.
An «unusual» cover of New Order's «Blue Monday» aside - you'll either gasp in awe or
extreme pain - «Sleepyheads» occupies the same cloudy headspace as classic Bjork or
an on-form Alpha. And while their wispy, ethereal delivery won't deter chill-detractors,
the gently sweeping string/guitar action of «Miss World» and «Sugar Planet» will find
immediate favour with fans of cool, emotive electronica. Best of all is the deft
Bristolian stomp of «See Through You», which, although Flunk are more mild bunch than
Wild Bunch, soars as high as Massive Attack circa «Blue Lines». Cool yet incendiary.
Ralph Moore
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